Kade enjoying a boat ride in Thailand. On the way to Monkey Island!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Traveling Life

Easily that Asian trip in 2000 - six months, and at that age - was my greatest time in my traveling life.  I was curious to know more and had a growing confidence from being a bit older and from having those earlier traveling experiences.  I also sewed plenty of wild oats!  Just had fun.  And I made discoveries about myself:  I need nine hours of sleep a night; an office job likely would never appeal to me again; I want passionate traveling to be a part of my life (in other words, not traveling to rack up numbers or compete with others); I want to live in a culture (like Asheville) where I can think and live freely; eating well (food types, portion sizes, etc.) is paramount and; simply being around family doesn't mean quality relationships.  Things like that.  I do think I needed to get away to gain some introspection and to shed some old baggage that my family and culture had instilled in me and expected me to retain.

- 2014 e-mail

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