Kade enjoying a boat ride in Thailand. On the way to Monkey Island!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Dental Care

I have shown you only some random mom-n-pop clinics in neighorhoods that don't have a big number of tourists or expats, so the EngRish is not a reflection of the work they likely do.  However, I personally would go to the  well-known practices where for sure you would get the care and skill you mention.  Hospitals here have some of the best dental facilities, which might surprise you.  And these would be for patients that just need dental care, not those who have been admitted into the hospital.  They're combined here, in those cases.  I have had some excellent work done at hospital dental clinics, and had a mediocre job done at a small place on the city outskirts years ago.  The dentist there went to dental school in the Philippines and had all the latest technology, but probably in that case, a bit of you-get-what-you-pay-for.  I do not want a $100 crown!  Maybe not the $800 one in the US, but I would expect to pay $300 or so here for a top-notch job.  To me, you don't skimp on tooth care!

Interesting!  The Thai dentists I’ve known have been fine dentists possessing an enviable diagnostic acumen and exquisite fine-motor skills.  One of my most favorite residents ever was from Thailand. 

- 2017 email

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