Kade enjoying a boat ride in Thailand. On the way to Monkey Island!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


We saw some Rembrandts in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.  Catherine the Great sent her agents all over Europe to buy up Rembrandt art when he had fallen out of favor for a period.  Smart lady.  St. Petersburg and Amsterdam have close ties, and Peter the Great designed St. Petersburg, his new capital, after Amsterdam, but on a larger scale.

There's a branch of Russia's Hermitage in Amsterdam.  We did not go to it.  Peter the Great spent 4 months in Amsterdam in his twenties, and one home he stayed in is a museum.  - e-mail I sent to my brother who was interested in Rembrandt art in Great Britain 

Click here for more of Peter the Great's connection to Amsterdam.

“For any collector of Rembrandt, Russia is pretty close to Mecca,” says Thomas Kaplan, the owner of the largest number of paintings by the Dutch master in private hands.  - article

Kade is viewing Rembrandt's Night Watch in Amsterdam on June 24, 2018.

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