Kade enjoying a boat ride in Thailand. On the way to Monkey Island!

Saturday, May 25, 2024


A female friend who read some of my year 2000 travel journal:

One thing that is interesting to me regarding your journal is how the women you meet seem totally unafraid and confident about talking with you and going places with you.  I did not have that kind of confidence in my twenties.

My reply:

The thing I had going for me is that I was very happy....walking on clouds.  I was engaging in conversations, flirting with people, had an aura of sorts, felt high......and that can draw people to you and make you more attractive.  On occasion I will see people here....ladies....and they have this energy, along with pretty good looks.  And I am drawn in.  Travelers, perhaps at that age, and certainly free from pressures of life, exude something.  I was living!!!!!!!!  

Some Benefits of Traveling

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